Cecilia Vargas

Studio G16

Email: cecilia@ceciliavargas.com
Instagram: @ceciliavargaslondon

The Open Studios are for me a stimulating occasion, where I get a chance to meet people who have been collecting my work for years, new collectors, friends and other members of the public. They offer me an opportunity to showcase my work and I always enjoy the feedback. I also appreciate the fact that they are willing to give their time to visit us at the Chocolate Factory, but I think they are amply compensated by the wonderful variety and quality of the work shown by the established artists working here.

Alas, meeting people face-to-face will not be possible until after 2 December 2020. However, the online exhibition, of which you can get a glimpse on my website and in this short video, has given me a chance to assemble a small retrospective of work over the past few years. I have also put together a short video of my work, which will be available in time for the Online Open Studio weekend of 28-29 November. If you are interested in purchasing a piece of work, please visit my website as there are several small and medium-sized works for sale. Do contact me at my email address and I will be pleased to give you more details, or download the price list of a selection of works available from my website. Public health restrictions permitting, I should be able to welcome visitors to my studio after 2 December.

Untitled. Cecilia Vargas. 2020

 Untitled. Mixed media on paper. 13 x 17 cm (2020). This work is for sale

Cecilia Vargas. 2020

 Untitled. Mixed media on paper. 14 x 10 cm (2020). This work is for sale

Cecilia Vargas 2019 Untitled. Mixed media on board. 30 x 30 cm (2019). This work is for sale

Cecilia VargasUntitled. Mixed media on canvas. 16 x 26 cm (2019). Collection of the artist

Cecilia Vargas

Untitled. Mixed media on canvas. 100 x 80 cm (2019). This work is for sale

Cecilia VargasUntitled. Mixed media on board. 25 x 25 cm (2019). Collection of the artist

IMG_8226Untitled  – Mixed media on board (2018). Collection of the artist

Homage_to_Chillida2Homage to Chillida 1 – Mixed media on paper (2016)

IMG_8230Untitled  – Mixed media on canvas (2018)

Homage_to_Chillida1Homage to Chillida 2 – Mixed media on paper (2016) 

IMG_8237Untitled  – Mixed media on board (2018)

Homage_to_Chillida3Homage to Chillida 3 – Mixed media on paper (2016)

IMG_8239Untitled  – Mixed media on board (2018)

Homage_to_Chillida4Homage to Chillida 4 – Mixed media on paper (2016)

Selection of other work shown in this Winter Open Studios:

Window series (Kiss)_2016
